About Me!

Hey everyone! My name is Diane but I also use the alias Usagi or Usagichan for my fangirling accounts online. Don't know why, maybe for fun, but I do. Haha
So, I'm an Australian living in Australia who wishes to spend the rest of my live in Japan with the occasional trips to Korea, China and New Zealand. Oh and Finland since I have a huge crush on the singers HIM and The Rasmus! My birthday is the 28 August 1989, which happens to be the year of the snake. Hiss...
Even since I can remember, I have been surrounded by all things Japanese. From having Japanese students doing a home-stay with my family throughout my primary school life, to studying Japanese in high school and university and even now with me watching the latest episode of my favourite tv series Shounen Club only a few hours ago.
I love Japan with every essence of my being. Some might say it's because it is the only thing that has stayed consent throughout my life, well except for my love for my sister. My mum and a few people, who took the time to really care about me, said that I should have been born Japanese or at least grown up in Japan. Apparently I have the manners and mindset like the Japanese or something. Personally I don't know why I have such a strong desire or connection with Japan but I know that my life would be very empty without it. It's kind of like air for me, without it I would just stop being me.
My love for Japan is on the same wavelength as music; which is my ultimate second life force. From dancing around the living room singing karaoke with my family at the age of 4 to seeking a distraction from everyday life; music has always given me strength and comfort when no one else would. No matter what language or what genre the song is sang in, I believe music can bring people together and convey so much emotions within a 3 to 4 minute time frame. Simply amazing I reckon.
Another fun fact about me is that I usually show no emotions when I’m with people but I become an emotional wreck whenever I watch a tv series or movie. Especially those stories about high school students finding love against all odds or gaining new found friendships that will last until the end of time. I have the tendance to live my fantasies and hopes through the cast members of those dramas; maybe it’s due to the fact that I didn’t have a good school life or any friends growing up. Who knows for sure but one thing I do know is that every now and again I will find a tv series that will change my mindset for the better. Like changing my way of thinking about what true friends are really like and to never give up what you love in life just because someone doesn’t approve of it.
At the moment I’m studying to become an English teacher so I can teach overseas. One of my big dreams in life is to teach English to the Johnny’s Jrs so they might one day go global. Here’s to wishful thinking! My previous life dream was to become a translator and of course work for Johnny’s Entertainment. But fate has other plans since I can’t get a good grip on the Japanese language. Sadly I have being learning Japanese for over 10 years and I even have a Bachelor’s degree that says I’m proficient at it. But in reality I’m still only a beginner with the gift to get the gist of what someone is saying or read only the common words or phrases in Japanese. Therefore, my translating dream flew out the door and came back saying teach English in Japan instead. So here’s hoping that I can become a good teacher one day; I’m aiming for the Yankumi or Onizuka level of teaching. High hopes or what!
Anyway, feel free to ask me anything you are curious about, I promise to reply truthfully. Hope you enjoy my blog about random things and events as much as I will have writing them.
Without further ado, I would like to welcome you all to my world, my life, my reality… XD

NOTE: This blog is a fan site only and posts information about Johnny's Entertainment and other media groups. I do not claim to own or have any contact with Johnny's Entertainment or the other entertainment media that is presented in this blog. I will supply a link to the website that I gain the information for this blog; otherwise everything else are my own thoughts.Please contact me if you think I have breached some copyright laws or have posted something that is your own work. Sorry in advance if this ever does happens.

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